How do you feel? Having a good day?
If you wanna I can stay and talk all day
How do you feel? Today is a good day
Cause I know you are ok and I can hear your voice every day
How do you feel? Isn't it a good day?
You?re not alone, and together forever you will win
How do you feel? Now is a better day
Cause your smile fill my heart with happy things
If you wanna return back home
I say stay there, 'cause I don't want
If you wanna your life back
I say calm down, I'll see you soon
How do you feel? Having a good day?
Please don't worry, you are secure for my prays
How do you feel? Today is a good day
Just remember, without tears we have no smile
How do you feel? Isn't it a good day?
Chains just broken when two hands don't stand holding
How do you feel? Now is a better day
Cause your life will make you go beyond your dreams
However the time goes on
Never will be late, be strong
And have no fear of fate
And you will go beyond your dreams
Letra da música composta por Marcus Alvim - nosso filho mais velho que está em Brasilia junto com Filipe, o mais novo. Eles estão no Brasil na casa da avó Ruth. Foi maravilhoso ouví-los tocar (Filipe) e cantar(Marcus) para nosso consolo e motivação por causa da distância.
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